A number of professional resources are available at Princeton, in the surrounding area, and elsewhere for individuals struggling with alcohol, cannabis or other drug use.
On-Campus Resources for All Students
- Counseling and Psychological Services. While anyone at CPS is trained to talk to you or your friend, CPS does have a team specifically focused on alcohol and other drug use. Remember, CPS is a confidential resource, and anything you or a friend share with a practitioner there is not shared with your dean or your parents.
- BASICS is a confidential education program, free and available to all students, where students can discuss your alcohol and/or cannabis use, explore the effects, and plan how they might reduce risks due to alcohol and/or cannabis use.
- Group counseling at CPS. There are groups that meet to discuss alcohol and other substance use. Check out the website for a list of current groups offered.
Recovery@ is a resource for students who are either in recovery from drugs and alcohol or who are in trouble from drugs and alcohol. It is an organic group started by students and two administrators who were and are in recovery. They gather once a month to discuss the particular challenges of recovery at Princeton University. All discussions are confidential. To obtain more information email a confidential email, [email protected].
Off-Campus Resources
- Alcoholics Anonymous has a number of meetings in the Princeton area, both on and off campus. The local branch of AA is called Central Jersey Intergroup. The AA hotline phone number is 609-298-7795. All AA meetings maintain anonymity of the attendees. Review an updated list of virtual meetings.
- Corner House Counseling Center provides a number of drug- and alcohol-related services to Princeton students, including treatment and prevention programs. To speak with its staff or make a referral, call 609-924-8018.
- Al-Anon/Alateen provides help to families and friends of alcoholics. There are many groups held throughout New Jersey.
- Rehabilitation Centers in New Jersey
- SAMHSA Virtual Recovery Resources (.pdf) provides recovery resources and support for substance use and mental health disorders throughout the U.S..