Request a Program

Please be aware that UMatter program requests are only for members of Princeton University. If you are not a member of the University and have questions or are interested in learning more about UMatter, see our Contact page.

If you have questions about this form or are experiencing difficulty completing it, please contact: [email protected]

I am
Which UMatter program(s) are you requesting? (Select all that apply.)

Choose your Action Matters program(s) below.

Action Matters

  • Wellness Wheel Workshop
    Facilitated workshop on dimensions of wellness, self-assessment and goal-setting, and contextualized self-care
Please select the program(s) for Action Matters

Choose your Respect Matters program(s) below.

Respect Matters

  • StandUp
    SHARE peer-facilitated workshop on bystander intervention to prevent interpersonal violence (1 hour)
  • Escalation (A One Love Workshop)
    SHARE peer-facilitated workshop on relationship violence warning signs 
  • Student Leader Trainings
    Customized SHARE professional staff-facilitated trainings for leadership groups (e.g., RCA, Outdoor Action and Community Action, Eating Club officers, Team captains) as needed
  • Interpersonal Violence Prevention 101
    SHARE professional staff-facilitated conversation on consent, bystander intervention and resources (20 minutes)
  • SHARE Consultation
    Confidential consult with SHARE professional staff to develop a customized 
Please select the program(s) for Respect Matter

Choose your Connecting Matters program(s) below.

Connecting Matters

  • Mindfulness Workshops
    CPS counselor-facilitated trainings on mindfulness meditation and stress relief
  • Princeton Distress Awareness & Response (PDAR)
    CPS counselor-facilitated trainings on how to recognize and respond to students in distress
  • Student Leader Trainings
    Customized CPS professional staff-facilitated trainings for leadership groups (e.g., RCA, Outdoor Action and Community Action, Eating Club officers, Team captains) as needed
Please select the program(s) for Connecting Matters

Choose your Limits Matters program(s) below.

Limits Matter

  • Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP)
    A health promotion professional staff-facilitated workshop for groups designed to provide group members with the skills to minimize the negative consequences of alcohol use and intervene in alcohol-related emergencies.
  • Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS)
    One-on-one sessions with a Health Promotion professional designed to assist you with examining your alcohol use in a non-judgmental atmosphere and provide you with skills to minimize the negative consequences of your drinking.
  • Student Leader Trainings
    Customized professional staff-facilitated trainings for leadership groups (e.g., RCA, Outdoor Action and Community Action, Eating Club officers, Team Captains) as needed
  • Health Promotion Consultation
    Consult with professional staff to develop safe or alcohol-free events as needed
Please select the program(s) for Limits Matter
Who is this for?
Preferred Date and Time
Date and time will be confirmed before scheduling.
Alternate Date and Time
Date and time will be confirmed before scheduling.